Future Years' Budgets, Settlement Assumptions and associated Council Tax Rates
For Consideration by Cabinet 17 January 2006
      19,154,900 Ledger
2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2004/05
Budget Estimate Projection Projection Estimate -         223,000 Parish Precepts
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000       18,931,900
   Original Revenue Budget Projection   19,459 20,728 22,055 - 20,645             37,100 Balance available
Projection per MTFS Review Sept 2005   19,459 20,104 21,976           18,969,000
Proposed Amendments            
Changes resulting from Budget review to December 2005 -600 +1,258 +1,011 +24,333  
Reduction in Contribution From Balances   +90 +59 +40 +20  
Other Base Budget Changes per this Report   +510 +97 +237 +191  
   Latest Revenue Budget Projection   19,459 21,518 23,264 24,544 20,645
   Latest Estimated Government Support   12,810 14,468 14,911 15,358 13,194       19,628,700 Ledger
   Collection Fund Deficit / (-) Surplus   -10 +0 +0 +0   -         228,600 Parish Precepts
   Amount met by Council Tax   6,639 7,050 8,353 9,186 7,451
Latest Tax Base Estimates  42,650 42,900 43,150  
Band D Average Council Tax for Non-Parished areas   £170.46 £199.98 £218.29  
Percentage Increase Year on Year     5.4% 17.3% 9.2% #REF! #REF!
As Compared with:
Original Projections per MTFS     £185.45 £210.13
      14.7% 13.3%
MTFS Target Percentage Increase     5% 5%
      21,974,500 Ledger
-         240,200 Parish Precepts